TFMÄ33 Measurement Systems Design, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To present the general theory for measurement systems.

TSRT12 Automatic control Y; desirable but not necessary: TFMÄ31 Measurement technology - theory and application.

Course organization:
At some lectures difficult and essential parts are treated. The main part of the content will be studied by the student on his/her own and the lecturer is available at schemed hours for consultation and discussion. The objective is to train the ability to withdraw vital parts out of a large volume of information - a situation that will occur in real life.

Course content:
Statical and dynamical properties of measurement systems. The concept of uncertainty. The general mathematical model of a measurement system. Different transfer functions. Properties of systems of zeroth, first and second order. Investigation of systems of arbritary order by frequency analysis. Demands on a system to achieve distorsion free transfer of a signal.

Course literature:
Selected parts of Ernest Doebelin: Measurement Systems, Application and Design. Fourth Edition, Mc Graw Hill, 1990. Articles.

TEN1Oral examination.
LAB1Laboratory work.
Course language is Swedish.