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Aim/vision The Master's Programme in Materials Physics and Nanotechnology educates specialists in the area of physics of novel materials. The Materials Physics and Nanotechnology masters are prepared for university or industry careers in materials related research and development The programme is supported by a number of internationally known research divisions at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM). The applications and importance of advanced materials in today's technology are best exemplified by highly purified semiconductor crystals, which are the basis of the "electronic age". Future applications in electronics and photonics will include nanoscaled physics, molecular electronics, non-linear optics etc. The master's programme in Materials Physics and Nanotechnology covers a wide range of materials including materials used in semiconductor technology, optoelectronics, biotechnical applications (biocompatibility), chemical and bio-sensors, mechanical applications such as hardness and elasticity etc.
Programme goals A Master of Science in MPN
Disposition of the Programme The programme comprises four semesters. The first autumn semester consists to a larger part of compulsory courses while the two following semesters contains mainly elective courses. The fourth semester is assigned to the master thesis work. The student can chose courses among essentially four elective profiles:
Content of the Programme The syllabus for the programme may vary from year to year, but the main structure remains. The programme consists of four mandatory courses and a set of elective courses all given in English. See the the curriculum for course details. The total number of course credits has to reach a minimum of 90 hp. There are certain possibilities for students to exchange courses (for example if a student in previous studies has taken a course that corresponds to a course within the program) or add courses after consulting the programme director, and decision in the Programme Board.
Specializations The student can chose among the four elective profiles. The elective profiles represent major research areas within different divisions at IFM. A detailed description of these activities are provided on the homepages of these divisions:
Master Thesis The thesis should include high quality scientific research within the research area of the profile chosen by the students. Research areas:
PhD courses in the programme Certain PhD courses can be taken by master students. Please contact the graduate study directors:
Entrance requirements and degree See general rules and regulations for master programmes at LiTH.