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Linköpings tekniska högskola

Länk till universitetets hemsida




The Computer Systems Master Programme educates specialists who are ready to work on the forefront of modern IT technology. A Computer Systems master will understand the needs of modern industry and society and contribute, in a creative way, with new solutions, to solving these problems.

A Computer Systems master will also be prepared to pursue a scientific career by, for example, continuing his/her education towards a PhD degree.

Programme goals

Modern computer systems have grown extremely diverse, from "invisible" computers hidden in a car, mobile phone, or MP3 player, to the familiar PCs or the most sophisticated supercomputers. Most often, these computers do not work in isolation but are interconnected through complex, wired or wireless, networks. It is becoming more and more challenging to design, program, and efficiently use such systems. In such a context it is not sufficient to be highly specialised in one particular, relatively narrow area, but it is also needed to get a comprehensive understanding of the various interacting layers, such as hardware, system software, networks, and applications. Exactly this is the basic philosophy of the Computer Systems master program. The students will be provided the opportunity to get a broad view and understanding of the area, while, at the same time, specialising in one of the following three directions: Embedded systems, Systems software, or Networking and distributed systems

These skills will allow the Computer Systems master to understand, formulate, and solve the complex problems related to the design of modern computer-based systems.

Based on a solid theoretical knowledge and an understanding of both software and hardware issues, the Computer Systems master will be able to approach new problems in a creative way and to apply advanced methods in order to solve them.

Practical engineering skills and an understanding of modern design tools and methodologies will allow the Computer Systems master to find practical and efficient solutions to specific problems in the areas of software systems, computer networks, and embedded applications. He/she will be able to evaluate alternative solutions, make quantitative and qualitative estimations and take decisions based on a solid understanding of the area.

The Computer Systems master is qualified to take a leading role in a design and development team, evaluate and compare solutions, and take decisions. He/she will be able to further deepen his/her knowledge and contribute to the development of the area.

A Computer Systems master is prepared to work as part of a team, cooperate with other specialists and act towards the solution of complex technical problems.

The Computer Systems master has the ability to present technical and scientific results, both orally and in written form.

Content of the Programme

The programme is based on fundamental mathematical, theoretical, and technical knowledge acquired by the student during his/her basic undergraduate education at bachelor level.

The Computer Systems master programme provides education, both theoretical and applied, in the areas of system software, computer organisation and architecture, embedded systems, networks, and distributed systems. A number of courses will provide the student with the broad view and understanding needed in order to master the general area. At the same time, a proper selection of optional courses allows further specialisation towards a particular direction.

Communication skills, presentation techniques (both oral and written), as well as team work, are emphasized during the whole program.

Specalization areas

The Master Programme in Computer Systems allows specialization in one of the following three directions:

  • Embedded systems:
    Computers are present in almost all devises. The complex and often safety critical functionality of such devices is achieved as result of a complex interplay between sophisticated software and hardware components. The students will study the modelling, analysis, design, and programming of such systems. The topics include both the architecture of the hardware infrastructure and the software layers, such as real-time operating system, and software development techniques.
  • System software:
    This specialisation is focusing on the design and implementation of system software and complex applications. This includes advanced compiling techniques, operating systems-related issues, advanced databases, but also modern techniques for application development, such as component based software design or programming of parallel computers.
  • Networking and Distributed systems:
    Most modern applications are composed of several interconnected components. This can be a huge network over a large geographic area, or a more compact distributed system, such as in a car. With this specialisation, the students will concentrate on issues related to the networking infrastructure, the design of distributed systems, development of distributed software, as well as information security and web programming

Master Thesis

The thesis should include high quality scientific research corresponding to 30 hp within the research area of the profile chosen by the students. This work could be performed at Linköping university. Master thesis can be performed within the following research areas:

  • Image Processing
  • Image Coding
  • Informatics
  • Computer Science
  • Datatransmission
  • Computer Systems
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electronic Devices
  • Electronics Systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Technical Informatics

PhD courses in the programme

Certain PhD courses can be taken by master students. These course selections are subject to formal decision by the executive committee of the Program Board.

Entrance requirements and degree

See general rules and regulations for master programmes at LiTH.


Linköpings tekniska högskola

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Informationsansvarig: Utbildningsledare,
Senast ändrad: 2007-01-31 09:44