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Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, 6 ECTS Credits
COURSE CATEGORY   Master´s programme in Science Sustainable Development
MAIN FIELD OF STUDY   Miljövetenskap - MXA
  COURSE CODE   746A14
After having taken this course the student should be able to:
- Name and explain basic geographical and geoinformatical concepts
- Describe the spatial data structures and algorithms used in GIS-analysis
- Critically assess advantages and disadvantages of various GIS-analysis methods for a given problem
- Choose and apply an appropriate analysis technique given a particular GIS-problem
- Describe and use available functions of GIS software
- Present and reason about your results verbally and in written form.
The course introduces the fundamental concepts of Geoinformatics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). During the course, students should learn the basic functions of GIS software systems and are expected to critically assess the advantages and disadvantages of various GIS technologies and methods.
The course covers theoretical concepts (maps, digital map construction, methods to capture data and GIS-based analysis techniques) as well as exercises to gain practical experience of the theoretical concepts.
The course is organised as a serious of lectures, seminars and practical exercise sessions complemented with self-studies.. Language of instructions: english.
To pass the course the student must complete the practical exercises and pass the written exam at the end of the course. Students who have failed an examination are normally allowed to retake it on at least two additional occasions, one of which should be arranged shortly after the first examination.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree/kandidatexamen (equivalent for example a professional degree) of at least 180 ECTS credits, including a 15 ECTS credit degree paper or equivalent. All applicants must show in-depth studies for at least one year in a field relevant for the course such as anvironmental science, water resources, geography, economics, social anthropology, political science, hydrology, engineering, chemistry, history and biology or equivalent.
Documented knowledge of English equivalent to "Engelska B"; i.e. English as native language or an internationally recognized test, e.g. TOEFL (minimum scores: Paperbased 550 + TWE-score 4.0, computorbased 213 and internetbased 79), IELTS, academic (minimum score: Overall band 6.0 and no band under 5.0), or equivalent.
The course is graded according to the ECTS grading scale A-F
Course certificate is issued by the Faculty Board on request. The Department provides a special form which should be submitted to the Student Affairs Division.
The course literature is decided upon by the department in question.
Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.
Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
Department responsible
for the course or equivalent:
IDA - Department of Computer and Information
Registrar No: 1334/06-41   Course Code: 746A14      
    Exam codes: see Local Computer System      
Subject/Subject Area : Miljövetenskap - MXA          
Level   Education level     Subject Area Code   Field of Education  
A1X   Advanced level     GOI   TE  
The syllabus was approved by the Board of Faculty of Arts and Science 2007-10-22