TNG009 Computer Technology, 4,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The objective is to give the students knowledge of how the computer and its peripherals are composed, how it works, and how it is controlled. We do a brief study of the development environment for a microcontroller.

Introduction to computers and networks

Course organization:
Lectures and lab exercises.A self-written report on an unknwon subject is part of the exam. Group studies in preparation for the lessons are given as a training for the final exam.

Course content:
The course starts with a summary of concepts in digital switching technology, followed by two laboratory exercises. The rest of the course deal with the principal workings and components of the computer. Programming will be dealt with in the form of assembler development exercises (twice). Basic concepts such as busses, memory and computer artihmetic will also be covered. In the laboratory, we will use PIC16C54, a microcontroller which is programmed using the assembler and simulator on a PC. In the last exercise we study programming in connection to external digital logic.

Course literature:
Stallings W: Computer Organization and architecture 4:th ed. Prentice Hall.

TEN1, 2 p.
LAB1, 1 p.
Course language is Swedish.