TNE009 Microcomputers, 6 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course is intended to give basically knowledge in construction and function of a microcomputer. An evaluation system is studied.

TNG009 Microcomputers TNE006 Digital integrated circuit

Course organization:
Education in form of lectures/exercises and laboratory work.

Course content:
A simple computer model, how microcomputers work, different number systems, binary arithmetic, a microcontroller is studied in detail both in sense of hard- and software. Different construction examples. Communication between microcontroller and peripherals, for example displays, keyboard, A/D- and D/A-converters and trasnmitters. Transmission of data between computers, different computer buses. At the end a short presentation of other microcontroller families for data acquisition on market.

Course literature:
To be announced.

UPG1, 4 p.
Course language is swedish.