TMKM93 Engineering Materials - case studies, 6,8 ECTS-points
/Konstruktionsmaterial - projektstudie/

Advancement level:

To develop the skills in using knowledge's from earlier courses in material science and engineering materials by solving material related problems defined from industry or from on going research program in the department. The case studies give exercises in how to work and organise projects, search of material information from libraries and other sources, use of modern laboratory techniques and writing report.

Courses corresponding to the ones given by dept of engineering materials for advancement level B and C. Advancement level B in physics and solid mechanics.

Course organization:
Lectures and individual supervision and teaching. For each student is about 180 hours estimated mostly in independent effective work

Course content:
Students, alone or two together, select in co-operation with supervisor a case study. This will mostly start with some pre analyse in which the contacts with the responsible case definer will be established and planes for the project are developed. Mostly the case studies start with literature search and survey to require the necessary information about the task in it self and the methods of analyse and examination. The different case studies can span over of a wide range of areas e.g. engineers components, material manufacturing tasks, ndt-problems, material selection and strengths analyses, fracture and failures analyse etc. The case studies end up with written reports and oral presentations. The students are also supposed to organise a travel for studies related to material science.

Course literature:
All required and available literature.

UPG1Written report, 4,5 p.
Course language is swedish.