TMHP51 Hydraulic Servo Systems, 6 ECTS-points
/Hydrauliska servosystem/

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to provide broad, in-depth knowledge of the hydraulic servo system. The approach discusses both the mobile and industrial sectors, as well as automatization technology. The course provides the basis for dimensioning and design of the servo system. Simulation programs are used as a modern analysis tools.

TMHP 20 Fluid power systems, TSRT 15 Automatic Control M.

Course organization:
Instruction is carried out in the form of lectures, classes and laboratory exercises.

Course content:
Introductory theory: Columnar flow. Throttling. Disturbance forces on the valve component, cavitation. The physical and chemical properties of hydraulic fluids. Simulation technology: Simulation of the dynamic properties of fluid systems. Proportional and servo-valves - design and properties of different types of presteps and power stages. Servo systems for control and position, velocity and force. Loads with several degrees of freedom. Principles of automatic control and dynamic properties.

Course literature:
Compendium, LiTH. Merritt, H.E.: Hydraulic Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. N.Y.

TEN1Written examination, 3 p.
LAB1Labratory work, 1 p.
Course language is swedish.