TGIU47 Technical Communication, 3 ECTS-points
/Kommunikation för tekniker/

Advancement level:

This course aims at affording the student competence in written and spoken Swedish and English in such situations arising in connection with and common to technical environments (listed below), and in addition to improve their abilities to overcome cultural and linguistic barriers, primarily, Swedish - English.

Supplementary courses:
Oral and written communication, TGTU 02. Technical information and documentation, ETE 169.

Course organization:
Teaching is in the form of lessons and group tuition where primarily spoken English is afforded priority. Teaching is planned so that the Swedish part initiates the course and thereafter Swedish and English to a great extent run parallel. Focus is on various types of text, which are gone through first in Swedish and then English. Most of the teaching is integrated, 4 lessons of the Swedish part, however, are given in connection with examination work.

Course content:
For the Swedish part: tecnical information, laboratory accounting, layout (illustration, tables/diagrams), technical reports, the language of reports, formulating an exercise report, business correspondence (non-private letters, business Sedish, user instructions, instruction, questionnaires) presentation technique, presentation of given material, employment application, planning of examination work, disputation of examination work. For thee English part: technical information, employment application, curriculum vitae, language exercises related to the professions (from e.g. professional/technical journals), technical reports, the language of reports, business correspondence (telefax messages, non-private letters, user instructions, instruction, technical descriptions, business English), language and culture (industry- and the business world, social intercourse), role play, debate, oral presentation.

Course literature:
Merkel, M: Tekniska rapporter och examensarbeten. Kompendium. Linus & Linnéa, 1997. Other material pending course start.

UPG2, 2 p.
Course language is Swedish and English.