TFYY03 Antenna Theory, 4,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to give good understanding and knowledge of principles of various antennas, their characteristics, various applications and analysis and design of antenna systems.

TFFY 39 Electromagnetism och TATM 41 Vektor analysis.

Course organization:
The course is new for this year. It will be presented as seminars (42 h) with theory and exercisis mixed.

Course content:
Antenna parameters, fundamental relations, radiation integrals. Methods of computations such as solving integral equations using the method of moments, physical optics and the geometrical theory of diffraction. Various antenna types such as: wire antennas, microstrip antennas, aperture antennas, arrays including pattern syntesis, and reflector antennas. Measurement techniques and the connection, and matching, to nearby circuits as well as system aspects are also considered.

Course literature:
Balanis: Antenna Theory, John Wiley & Sons, 1997

TEN1Homework problems during the course and a written examination., 3 p.
Course language is swedish.