TFMÄ31 Measurement Technology - theory and application, 8,3 ECTS-points
/Mätteknik - teori och tillämpningar/

Advancement level:

This is the main course in measurement technology with the aim to give the students both deep theoretical and practical knowledge of how to measure different quanties and related problems. Another title of the course could be: Sensor technology and measurement systems.

Basic course in physics and electronics.

Supplementary courses:
TFMÄ 33 Measurement System Design, TFMÄ 52 Computer in Measurements and Signal Processing, TFMÄ 77 Project Work in Measurement

Course organization:
The course runs over two periods and comprises 40 h lecture and 52 h experiment. Part of the experimental work is a small project, where the objective is to design and construct a small measurement system - from sensor to data aquisistion.

Course content:
Theories for the physical phenomena behind different sensors, static and dynamic properties. Amplifiers for signal from sensors, transmitters, linearisation, interfaces, transmission of measurement data, data aquisition and handling by computers, industrial measurement systems. Calibration of sensors and systems. A study visit to the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute.

Course literature:
Doeblin, Ernest 0: Measurement system, Application and Design. Fourth edition, Mc Graw Hill 1990. Articles, excerpts and internally produced material.

TEN1A written examination., 3,5 p.
LAB1Compulsory experiments. Awritten reprot and a oral presentation of the project., 2 p.
Course language is swedish.