TBMI22 Classification and Decision Support, 6 ECTS-points
/Klassificiering tolkning och beslutsstöd/

Advancement level:

The aim of this course is to provide knowledge about methods for analysis of large data sets, discriminant analysis and classification, and further formulisation of decision rules and representation of medical knowledge within knowledge bases. Methods and tools from statistic, decision theory and artificial intelligence will be explored and utilised.

TBME02 Anatomy and Physiology or BME50 Biomedical Engineering

Supplementary courses:
TBMI23 Classification and decision support - project course TBMI30 Telemedicine

Course organization:
Lectures (26h), laboratory experiment and demonstrations (36h).

Course content:
Models for medical decision making. Probability based decision making, Bayes theory, decision tree analysis. Causal probabilistic networks, neural networks. Statistical methods for classification and discrimination. Knowledge extraction, knowledge representation. Knowledge based systems, inference methods.. Evaluation of medical decision support systems Laboratory experiments.

Course literature:
van Bemmel. Handbook of medical informatics. Springer 1997.

TEN1Written examination, 2 p.
LAB1Labratory work, 2 p.
Course language is Swedish/english.