NFYD78 Semiconductor Physics, 5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The development in the field of electronics is currently very fast and new devices and circuits are frequently introduced on the market. This development is based on an improving quality of the semiconductor material used. This course is of fundamental character and contains physical concepts and properties of material including low dimensional semiconductor structures such as heterostructures, quantum wells and superlattices. Furthermore, modern methods for growth and doping of semiconductor materials are covered. Different characterization methods constitute an important part of the course. Various characterization methods will be presented and used at the laboratory work to be performed within the course.

Participation in NFYC58 Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Physics and NFYC56 Solid State Physics

Supplementary courses:
NFYD79 Semiconductor Device Physics

Course organization:
The laboration part (2p) consists of 24 h laboratory work (at four different occasions). The theoretical part (3p) consists of lectures including examples for solutions. In connection to this course, guest lectures will be given on related topics.

Course content:
Band structure. Phonons. Defects and impurities. Effective mass approximation. Transport properties. Classical Hall effect. Equilibrium distributions. Scattering mechanisms. Optical properties. Recombination mechanisms. Excitons. Auger-processes. Heterostructures. Superlattices. Quantum-Wells, -Wires and -Dots. Density of states. Quantum-Hall effect. Stark effect. Characterization methods (optical, electrical, transport, magneto resonance methods). Effects related to external fields (Electrical magnetic field). Growth techniques (Epitaxy, bulk growth, doping of semiconductors)

Course literature:
Physical Properties of Semiconductors (C. M. Wolfe, N. Holonyak, G.E. Stillman) Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures (review article by Weisbuch)

LAB1A laboratory course 2p.
TEN1Examination (oral or written) 3p.
Course language is .