NFYD74 Elementary Particles, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To give an introduction to modern particle physics with emphasis on theory.

Passed both NFYD61 Quantum Mechanics and NFYC51 Mathematical Methods of Physics I and attented NFYC73 Analytical Mechanics and NFYD73 Theory of Relativity.

Course organization:
The course is divided into lectures and problem solving in connection to the lectures. The course will be given in english if needed.

Course content:
Second quantisation, boson- and fermion operators and field operators. The Klein-Gordon- and Diracequations. Introductory overview of sub-nuclear physics. Symmetry transformations and conservation laws. Hadron spectroscopy. The quark model. Weak interactions. The parton model. The standard model and experimental tests. Beyond the standard model.

Course literature:
Nuclear and Particle Physics by W. E. Burcham and M. Jobes, 1995, Longman Scientific & Technical, Longman Group Limited, England.

INL1Homework problems and oral assessement when required, 3.5p.
INL2Project 1.5p.
Course language is .