TTIT27 Models in Physics and Electromagnetism, 4,5 ECTS-points
/Tema 2: Modeller i fysik och elektromagnetism/

Advancement level:

The course developes the ability to create mathematical models of physical systems and gives some common knowledge of university level physics. Most of the material studied are within Maxwell´s electromagnetic theory.

Linear algebra, Mechanics and Calculus. The course in Calculus is studied in parallel.

Course content:
The different components in mathematical modelling of physical systems is stressed, that is idealization, formalization, calculation and interpretation. In the work with idealization and interpretation the limits of the model are made explicit and it often becomes evident that seemingly different physical problems can have a common basic structure. In formalization and calculation mathematics is used; in formalization it is a language that permits high precision, in calculation mathematics is mostly a tool but sometimes mathematical rigor casts new light on the problem studied. The course begins with general physics problems taken from optics, mechanics, radioactivity and solid state physics. In the latter part electrostatics, magnetostatics, induction and electromagnetic waves are studied in the light of Maxwell´s equations.

Course literature:
According to literaturelist.

TEN1Written examination, 2,5 p.
UPG1A written report, 0,5 p.
Course language is swedish.