TNDE50 Introduction to Programming, 6 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

After attending this course the student should: - be able to write well structured and correct programs in the programming language C++ - be aquainted to software engineering - have basic knowledge in C++

TNDE25 Introduction to Computers and Computer Science or TNDE15 Information Technology.

Supplementary courses:
TNDE11 Datastructures and Algorithms.

Course organization:
The teaching consists of 38 h lectures and 24 h laboratory work.

Course content:
Programming and basic software engineering metods. The programming language C++ with topics as data types, control structures, input/output, functions, classes, pointers and dynamic data structures such as linked lists and file processing. Software to help the programmer.

Course literature:
Skansholm, Jan: C++ direkt, Studentlitteratur. Course material produced by the department.

LAB1Laboratory work, 1 p.
PRA1Project work, 3 p.
Course language is swedish.