TMMT27 Assembly Technology - Project, 3 ECTS-points
/Monteringsteknik - projektkurs/

Advancement level:

The project course contains "implementation of knowledge" acquired in the course Assembly Technology (TMMT 26) with the aim of familiarising the student with industrial assembly problems and their solutions.

TMPT 30 Production Engineering M, TMKT 05 Machine Elements, TMEL 05 Electrical Engineering, TDEI 05 Industrial Economics and Management and TMPT 90 Integrated Computerised Product Planning Process.

Course organization:
The course is a mandatory module in Automated Production Systems-Assembly Technology. The course is given during two study periods and is synchronised with the subject Assembly Technology (TMMT 26).

Course content:
One project task consisting of a current industrial production technical problem concentrating on the assembly application. The project task comprises system design, automation, and/or production design questions.

Course literature:
Compendium: Assembly Technology.

UPG1Project task, 2 p.
Course language is Swedish.