TMHL61 Damage Mechanics and Life Analysis, 6 ECTS-points
/Skademekanik och livslängdsanalys/

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge about the effect of damage (cracks)for example on the load tolerance of a design, as well as knowledge about life analysis of materials exposed to variable loadings.

Solid Mechanics, introductory course, Solid Mechanics; Finite element method.

Course content:
The course consists of two main sections: 1. Introductory fracture mechanics: Energy aspects of crack growth. Stress intensity factor. Fracture toughness, crack initiation. Plastic zone. Stable/unstable crack growth. Crack growth with cyclical load (Paris' &#180law). 2. Fatigue: Crack initiation and growth. Fatigue limit. S-N diagram. Threshold value. Notch effect. Multiaxial stress state. Variable load amplitude. Crack closure, individual overloads. Life calculation (damage mechanics, cumulative damage theories). Load characteristics (load analysis, load statistics, cycle counting methods). Special problems in fatigue: Low cycle fatigue, corrosion fatigue, fretting).

Course literature:
Fracture Mechanics: Compendium, Solid Mechanics, LiTH. Fatigue: T Dahlberg: Material Fatigue LiTH-IKP-S-459

TEN1Written examination, 3,5 p.
LAB1Laboratory work, ,5 p.
Course language is Swedish.