TFMJ06 Environmental Management Strategies, 4,5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To give knowledge concerning possibilities and limitations in the environmental work of companies and organizations. The participant should understand how environmental problems are transformed into environmental demands on companies, both legally and socially, from customers, authorities and other parts of the society. All this effects the environmental work. Environmental management systems will be described, as well as resulting advantages in profile and profitability.

No special requirements, but general knowledge concerning industrial companies and environmental questions is advantageous.

Supplementary courses:
TFMJ 02 Environmental Technology, TFMJ 03 Environmental Science, TFMJ 04 Environmental Measurement Technology, TFMJ 05 Environmentally Sustainable Materials, TFMJ 07 Life Cycle Assessment and Ecodesign, TFMJ 08 Environmental Impact Assessment.

Course organization:
The course includes lectures, seminars and assignments.

Course content:
Among many other subjects: history of environmental work, global environmental problems, international environmental work. Environmental work and driving forces within companies, environmental management systems (EMS), legal requirements, environmental charges, environmental economics. Environmental policy and corresponding goals, implementation, education and auditing. Environmentally adapted production and product development, life cycle analysis (LCA) and design for environment (DFE). Environmental marketing and communication.

Course literature:
New, modern litterature will be presented at the introduction.

TEN1One written examnation. Approved assignments., 3 p.
Course language is swedish.