TFMÄ77 Project Work in Measurement, 5,3 ECTS-points
/Mättekniskt projektarbete/

Advancement level:

The objective is to apply earlier courses by designing and constructing a minor measurement system from sensor, via matching electronics, data transmission to acquisition and handling by a computer. The participants are responsible for different parts of the system, which in the end shall be put together to a functioning entity. The course thus also gives experience in planning and cooperating.

TFMÄ 05 Sensor technology, TFMÄ 02 Computerized measurement systems

Course organization:
The course is introduced in 4 h lecture that presents the object. The work is then in project form.

Course content:
The participants are presented the task and in the run of the course the lecturer is available at schemed hours for consultation. The students have unlimited access to the laboratoy and can work freely. Each subgroup is responsible for its part of the system which should be integrated in the final system.

Course literature:
Own finding in library and databases.

PRA1Oral and written report of the project. The grade is passed/not passed., 3,5 p.
Course language is .