TFKE10 Inorganic Chemistry, 4,5 ECTS-points
/Oorganisk kemi/

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to give fundamental knowledge of inorganic chemistry, both theoretical as practical (laboratory). Thereby, the course gives a good basis for the further studies in chemistry and biology. The laborations aim to shed ligt upon the theory and give the student skills in basic lab. technology of inorganic chemistry.

Attended TFKE01 General chemistry, TFKE05 Physical chemistry

Supplementary courses:
TFKE15 Organic chemistry, TFKE25 Biochemistry, TFKE30 Analytical chemistry

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, lessons and laboratory work. There are, furthermore, lessons with problemsolving that have connection to some parts of the theory which are presented at lectures.

Course content:
Theoretical part: weak and strong acids and bases and the corresponding Brönsted and Lewis definitions of, pH, acid-base equilibiria, titration curves for acids and bases, buffers, Henderson-Hasselbalchs equation, solubility and solubility products, complex-ion equilibria. Descriptive inorganic chemistry: properties of and chemical bonding in metals and non-metals. Crystalline and amorphous compounds. The concepts of crystal structure, lattice and unit cell. Applied inorganic chemistry (materials chemistry). Nuclear chemistry. Coordination compounds. The laboratory course includes, among other things, an acid-base titration, synthesis of zeolites and complexes, including the determination of the ligand field splitting of the latter by spectrophotometry.

Course literature:
Ebbing & Wrighton: General Chemistry, 5 th ed.

TEN1A written examination, 2 p.
LAB1A laboratory course, 1 p.
Course language is swedish.