TFFY90 VLSI Design, 5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course will give practical design knowledge of VLSI circuits.

Preferably TSTE 84 Digital circuits and TFFY 34 Semiconductor Technology.

Supplementary courses:
TFFY 94 Evalution of an Integrated circuit.

Course organization:
The course will focus on the design of an integrated circuit (a complete chip) in CMOS technology. A series of lectures will introduce students to MOS-transistor theory, CMOS circuit techniques, VLSI-design methodology and CAD tools available at LiTH. A series of laboratory exercises will introduce the CAD tools practically. Design projects will be run in teams of 2-3 students and each team can select one project from a project catalogue. It is possible for the students to run their own projects as long as the projects are appropriate. The students in each team must finish their chip design and deliver a written report before the end of period 4. The chip designs can be fabricated and the students can evaluate their own chips experimentally in period 1, year 5, if they attend the course TFFY 94 Evaluation of an Integrated Circuit.

Course content:
Introduction to the MOS transistor and the CMOS technology. VLSI and physical design. CAD and design methodology. Electrical characterization. Performance analysis. Logic design and clocking. Subsystems in CMOS. Design for test. Future development.

Course literature:
Probably one of the following text books: N. Weste and K. Eshraghian, "Principles of CMOS VLSI Design", Addison-Wesley 1993, ISBN 0-201-53376-6. J.M. Rabaey, "Digital Integrated Circuits", Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN 0-13-394271-6.

UPG1The grades are Pass/Fail. To pass the course, the chip design and the report have to be satisfactory., 3,5 p.
Course language is English.

Course language is English.