TFFY66 Modern Physics, 4 ECTS-points
/Modern Fysik M/

Advancement level:

The course will give an orientation about the physics of the 20:th century. The aim is to present the basic ideas of modern physics and to give examples of how these often abstract theories influences or explains phenomena observed in our everyday life.

Course organization:
The course consists of 26h lectures, 10h excercise lectures in small groups and 10h of laborations.

Course content:
The status of classical physics from the late 19:th century are briefly discussed as a comparison to the thinking of the modern physics. We start with the Einstein theory of special relativity and continues with the model for the atom nuclei. We discuss nuclear reactions, decay and radioactivity. The use of nuclear fission for energy production and nuclear fission in the sun are explained. The biological impact of ionized radiation are also covered. The development of quantum mechanics are described via the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, the de'Broglie hypothese about wave-particle dualism , and the Schrödinger wave equation, one-electron systems, quantum numbers, energy levels, atomic spectra, multi-electron atoms, Pauli principle, the periodic table of elements, lasers. Applications related to electronic levels, their use and physical explanation, such as x-rays, lasers and electron microscopes are described. Within solid state physics we discuss different bondings between atoms, lattice structures, the band model for metals, isolators and semiconductors. The effect of doping of semiconductors and thermal and electrical properties of solids. Further we consider blackbody radiation, and in connection to this the temperature balance of the earth and the greenhouse effect.

Course literature:
Compendium: Modern Fysik (Linus & Linnea), Laboration PM

TEN1A written examination, 2 p.
LAB1Laborative exercises, ,5 p.
Course language is swedish.