TFFY29 Wave Motion, 5,3 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To give basic knowledge of wave motion and propagation with applications in optics and acoustics.

TATM 06 Calculus Y

Supplementary courses:
TFYY 08 Applied Optics, TFFY 22 Optoelectronics, TFFY 74 Nonlinear Optics.

Course organization:
The lectures will deal with the theoretical part of the course and the exercises will treat problems that require the use and understanding of the theory. The laborations should illustrate some of the phenomena that are discussed at the lectures and in the literature. Invited lecturers from industry will speak about modelling of electromagnetic waves in their research and development projects.

Course content:
General wave motion and wave propagation, the wave equations and its solutions. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves. Superposition of waves, phase and group velocity. Basic acoustics. Light propagation, reflection and refraction. Geometrical optics. Polarisation, interference and diffraction.

Course literature:
Introduction to Optics, Pedrotti & Pedrotti, Prentice Hall, 1993. Selected problems (in Swedish), laboration PM (in Swedish)

TEN1A written examination with problems from the literature., 2,5 p.
LAB12 laborations, 1 p.
Course language is swedish.