TDDI48 Advanced Programming and Interactivity on the WWW, 7,5 ECTS-points
/Programmering och interaktivitet på WWW/

Advancement level:

The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the practical and conceptual issues related to the problem of providing interactive executable content on the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW). The programming language JAVA will be studied in detail, with an emphasis on developing both stand alone applications and applets for viewing in WWW browsers. Issues related to JAVA security, compilation, interpretation, and the JAVA virtual machine will also be covered.

An introductory course in one of the following imperative, functional or object-oriented programming language courses (or equivalent) is obligatory; TDDA 11, TDDB 92-93, TDDB 25, TDIU 10, TDDB 23. Familiarity with C and C++, along with networks and distributed systems is desirable, but not necessary. Familiarity with HTML, WWW, WWW browsers and the Internet is assumed.

Course organization:
The course will consist of a number of seminars and labs, and will be given in English. It will include three parts. - Overview of WWW, HTML, etc. In this part, an overview of the WWW, Internet, browsers, HTML, client-servers, and security will be presented. - Basic JAVA programming. In this part, an overview of objects, classes, and basic language constructs will be presented. - Advanced JAVA programming. In this part, advanced JAVA topics such as inheritance, packages, interfaces, exceptions, multithreading, and JDBC, JAVA beans will be presented. A major part of the course will consist of a project, involving implementation of a moderately sized application or applet in JAVA, with an interactive multimedia flavor.

Course literature:
The course material will consist of a compendium, a number of user's manuals for the software development kit, and some textbooks on JAVA.

LAB1Laboratory work, 5 p.
Course language is swedish.