TDDA43 Programming Theory, 6 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course offers a wide-ranging introduction to the techniques and metalanguages for the formal specification of programming languages. There is a separation between syntax and semantics of a language, and the techniques suitable for description of each. Additionally three user groups who have different requirements on a metalanguage are identified. The course will examine how various techniques fulfill the requirements of the user groups.

Knowledge of predicate logik and simple theory proving, equivalent to TDDB90 or TATM90 Discrete Mathematics and Logic and TDDA 69 Data and Program Structures.

Supplementary courses:
TDDA 37 Compiler Construction, TDDB 42 Semantics of Programming Languages, TDDA 41 Logic Programming.

Course organization:
The theory is presented during lectures and seminars. The seminars also prepare for laboratory work.

Course content:
Variations of BNF, attribute grammars, two-level grammars operational semantics, denotational semantics, and axiomatic semantics.

Course literature:
Textbook is not yet decided. Compendium.

LAB1, 1,5 p.
UPG1Hand-in assignments, 2,5 p.
Course language is swedish.