TDDA14 | AI Programming, 7,5 ECTS-points /AI-programmering/ Advancement level: C | |
Aim: The course introduces fundamental data- and program structures used in the construction of agent-oriented AI-systems. The course builds on basic knowledge of AI and gives practical experience in implementation techniques. Prerequisites: TDDA 58 Artificial Intelligence C or TDDA 13 Artificial Intelligence D.Supplementary courses: TDDA 18 Natural-Language Processing Course organization: The course is organised as lectures, seminars and laboratory work. The lectures discuss the theoretical aspects of AI-systems. Seminars cover more advanced techniques developed recently within AI research and discuss specific solutions to the problems arising during laboratory assignments. This year each student will be expected to design and develop a team of software agents able to compete in a simulated soccer tournament (RoboCup) that will take place at the end of the course. Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) provides some support for participation of promising course participants in international tournements. One such tournement will be held in Stockholm in August 1999.Course content: Multi-agent systems, agent architecture, learning, agent implementation, teamwork and coordination among agents. Course literature: Articles distributed during the course. Reference literature: Shapiro, C, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1-2, Wiley International, 1991 | ||
LAB1 | Labratory work, 5 p. |