TDDA12 Software Engineering, 5,3 ECTS-points
/Programvaruutveckling, teori o tillämpning/

Advancement level:

The course shall give knowledge of idustrial software development. Knowledge of the full software development process and lifecycle is also given.

Some experience of programming in any high-level language.

Course organization:
The course comprises of lectures, seminars and practical exercises. The lectures are concerned with the theoretical part of the course, with examples from industry. The course material is discussed in seminars and exercises are used for applying and experiencing theory.

Course content:
*The software lifecycle. *Management and control of the software development process. *Quality assurance using reviews and testing. *Project planning and tracking. *Software maintenance.

Course literature:
*Hans van Vliet (1993) Software Engineering - Principles and Practice, John Wiley & Sons. *Collections of reports. *Articles.

PRA1*Active participation *Oral presentation *Written presentation *Assignments, 3,5 p.
Course language is swedish.