TSRT27 Digital Control, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To use and understand the control techniques (including sequence control) that exists in control systems, both in general control systems and in embedded control systems.

TSRT 12 or 13 Automatic Control Y or TSRT 15 Automatic control M.

Course content:
Sequence control: Functional diagram, relay systems, logical modules, PLC-languages. On-off control och ``fuzzy control''. Control system building through feed forward, parallel coupling, and nonlinear coupling of standard controllers. Computer implemented controllers: Discretization, wind-up problems, mode switching, parameter changes, bumpless transfer, sampling, sampled theory, polynomial synthesis, adaptive control, auto-tuning. Set point generation: Numeric control, incremental curve generation, curve generating languages. Survey of software and hardware for control systems.

Course literature:
Compendia in Digital Control.

LAB 1Labratory work
TEN 1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.