TNKI84 Chemical Separation Processes, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course aims to give knowledge of common separation processes in chemical engineering.

TNKI77 Physical Chemistry, TNKI50 Heat Engineering, TNKI53 Applied Fluid Dynamics

Course organization:
Lectures and laboratory work

Course content:
The course covers unit operations such as destillation, gas absorption, liquid-liquid extraction, leaching and crystallisation i.e. processes which involve mass transfer. Important factors for these transfer operations are discussed. The course also deals with calculation methods for designing of equipment with a specified level of separation. Membrane separation processes are discussed as are materials and corrosion processes. The majority of the processes which are treated theoretically will also be investigated in laboratory work.

Course literature:
Roald, A., Sundqvist, L.: Kemiteknik 3. Literature for materials and corrosion processes will be given later. Additional material will be supplied at beginning of course.

TEN1Written examination
LAB1Laboratory work
Course language is Swedish.