TNK002 Communication Systems Environment, ECTS-points
/Kommunikationssystemens omvärld/

Advancement level:

The course aims to give the students an orientation of the interplay between the communication systems and the environment. The course should: - give some insight into the historical development and procure different perspectives of communication- and transportation systems. - give an orientation about actions in order to improve the environment (pollution, noise, dangerous goods etc). - from the safety point of view, illustrate the connection between the components road, vehicle and passenger, and how different actions will influence on the safety.


Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, seminars and group exercises.

Course content:
The course consists of three parts: The first part (2 points) aims to analyze communication- and transportation systems in different historical epochs and cultural surroundings. Further, to procure a social science perspective that focuses on our age and faces questions about time and space. The second part (3 points) is mainly devoted to environment and safety. Finally, the subject communication is included (1 point). This part is integrated with the others and aims to train the students in presenting and writing reports.

Course literature:
To be announced.

UPG 1A project with oral and written examination.
UPG 2 A project with oral and written examination.
Course language is Swedish.