TNBI43 Structural Mechanics and Strength of Materials, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course intends to give basic knowledge about - structural mechanics - strength of materials

Course organization:
The lectures content theoretical parts, solution of typical problems and preparations for laboratory- work. The laboratory-works are partly computer exercises and partly work in the building-laboratory.

Course content:
Structural Mechanics: Load analysis, two-dimensional force systems, three- dimensional force systems, trusses, statically determinate structures, hyperstatic structures, check of deformations, pile-groups. Strength of Materials:Stresses. Calculations by elastic theoryfor tensile stress, compression, bending, bending and normal force, shear, buckling and torsion.

Course literature:
Langesten: Strength of Materials. (Hållfasthetslära), Almkvist och Wiksell. Langesten: Structural Mechanics. (Byggnadsstatik), Almkvist och Wiksell. Johannesson: Formulas and tables (Byggformler och tabeller) Liber.

TEN 1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.