TMPT45 Production Engineering Im, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to give knowledge about the manufacturing process. Ability to apply calculation methods for the manufacturing processes used in the mechanical industry. Knowledge of possibilities/limitations of different machines, and knowledge of organization in modern production through connecting separate machines with handling equipment and computers to form a production system. Understanding of the production engineerings connection to other business activities such as design, quality, process planning and process control.

TATM13 Algebra III, TATM 35 Analysis I, TMAL 25 Introduction to Technology, TMME 16 Mechanics I part 1, TMHL 10 Solid Mechanics V, TMKM 45 Engineering Materials I.

Course organization:
Teaching in form of lectures, lessons, group seminars, laborations and one educational visit.

Course content:
Lectures:Manufacturing process, cutting methods, machine tools, measurement technology, NC- and automation techniques, industrial robots and production systems. Lessons: Plasticity- and cutting process, NC-programming and practise calculations. Group seminars: Planning of turning process, planning of deep drawing process. Laborations: Turning and milling, measurement technology, operation of CNC-turning machine, CAD/CAM. Educational visist: One visit to a mechnical industry.

Course literature:
Modern Produktionsteknik, del 1; Hågeryd, Björklund, Lenner, Liber 1993 ISBN 91- 634-0065-0, Övnings och laborationsmaterial, IKP/LiTH. examinations: The following compulsatory items are required for examination:

LAB 1Labratory work
UPG 1Exercises
TEN 1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.