TMPT32 Production Engineering, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to give knowledge about production methods and equipment within the mechanical industry. Specially machining techniques and basic CNC- technique.

TATM 61 Calculus M, TATM31 Linear Algebra M, TMAL 05 Technical Project Methods, TMME02 Engineering Mechanics M, part 1.

Course organization:
Lectures, lessons, group lessons and laborations. A project is also included in the course and is solved by groups. One educational visit in the industry.

Course content:
Lectures:Measurement technology, tolerances, surface smoothness, chip removal techniques,plastic machining, machine tools, unconventional machining, CNC technology. Exercisess Project with connection to the industry Practical Swedish Laborations: Turning and milling,Deep pressing, Mearurement technology, CNC turning and programming

Course literature:
Modern Produktionsteknik del 1, Hågeryd, Björklund, Lenner, Liber 1993, ISBN-91-634-0065-0, Övnings- och laborations-PM, IKP, LiTH

LAB 1Labratory work
UPG 1Project work
TEN1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.