TMMV05 Flight Engines, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The purpose of the course is to provide understanding of the basic principles of aircraft engines. Special attention is given to the various components of an aircraft engine. Further, the course will provide the necessary knowledge for considering the aircraft engine as a component of an aircraft system.

Analysis, Algebra, Classical Physics, Engineering Mechanics,Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics.

Course organization:
Instruction is carried out in the form of lectures, classes, and homework assignments (projects).

Course content:
Introduction to aircraft engines. History of the aircraft engine. Thermodynamics and flow technological background to compressible flow. Basic definitions and equations. Some propeller technology. Gas turbines and jet engines - similarities and differences. Rocket engines and ramjet engines. Important parameters when designing aircraft engines, particularly jet engines. Calculation methods. The aircraft engine as a system component. The aircraft engine of today and tomorrow: an overview.

Course literature:
Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, J. D. Mattingly; McGraw-Hill or the equivalent. Publications form Mechanical thermal theory and flow.

UPG1Homework assignments (projects).
TEN1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.