TMMT10 Introduction to the use of personal Computers and Presentation Technique, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The overall objective of the course is to give basic knowledge within five separate areas. This knowledge shall form the basis for the studies and the future profession. In particular, the course should: - Give an overall view of an engineer's work situation and his role in society. - Give basic knowledge of computer based application programs, word processing, etc. - Give basic knowledge of presentation techniques to prepare for future presentations of individual work and reports. - Give an orientation on library use when searching for reference literature.

Course organization:
The course is subdivided into the following separate topics; introduction to the I-programme, the computer as a work tool, presentation technique, library use. A number of lectures are given which treat engineer work with reference to the field of study of the I-programme. Lectures are given to prepare for the accomplishment of a presentation task. The chapter which deals with the use of library facilities consists of discussions, demonstration and accomplishing of a search of literature in different data bases.

Course content:
Introduction History of technology, the engineer's role in today's society, what does the work of an engineer entail and the aim of the I-programme as well as basic studying technique. The computer as a working tool Information processing and information retrieval including word processing programs, computation programs and how to use the internet. Presentation technique Methods, disposition, scheduling, mental preparation, body language, different means of aid at presentations, and knowledge about the relative merits of text and pictures. Library use Introduction to the library and reference literature retrieval.

Course literature:
To be specified at a later date.

PRA 1Assignment
LAB 1Laboratory work
Course language is Swedish.