TMKT75 Product Development, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

This course gives the fundamentals of methods to be used in product development and its relation to other strategic issues in a production company.

Machine elements, Mechanics, Solid mechanics, Engineering materials, Production technology.

Course organization:
The course has lessons and exercises. The main part is a realistic product development project, given by an industrial company. The students work in teams of three. They start from a given set up of requirements and continue through the various stages of development. The work is finalized by a prototype or a mock-up of their design which is presented to the company together with a written report of their project.

Course content:
Company strategies and product development, systematic design, idea generation, evaluation techniques, patents, product liability, design for assembly, material selection, QFD, DFM, DFA, FMEA.

Course literature:
Olsson, K.O.: Kompendium i Konstruktionsteknik - Produktutveckling, LiTH. Cross, N.: Engineering Design Methods Hubka, V.: Engineering Design Hubka, V.: Practical Studies in Systematic Design

TEN 1Written examination
LAB 1Labratory work
Course language is Swedish.