TGTU60 Information Retrieval , ECTS-points

Advancement level:

This course affords fundamental knowledge in accessing information/literature both for developing scientific proficiency and problem solving, decision making and the developments and changes in knowledge in general. The course shall afford insight of the university library's available information retrieval material and help prepare students of technology for examination research work and future professional activities.

Requisite general qualifications for university.

Course content:
- The orientation and development of scientific knowledge and scientific communication - Fundamental information retrieval technique - Orientation in and demonstration of facilities for information retrieval with specialization, such as bibliographies, reference books and handbooks - Data based information retrieval online (including INTERNET) and on CD-ROM. - literature retrieval within the student«s own subject field

Course literature:
Vägar till teknisk-vetenskaplig information. TeknologiBibliotekens kompendium i informationssökning, 1995 Material issued in connection with tuition.

Course language is Swedish.