TFMÄ01 Measurement technology, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To provide basic knowledge of how to measure electrical and non-electrical quantities, give some practical experience in handling common electric measurement instrumentation including measurement computers, and awareness of problems connected with measurements.

TSDT64 Basic Electronics and Measurement Technology,

Supplementary courses:
TFMÄ30 Current Topics in Measurements, TFMÄ31 Measurement - theory and application, TFMÄ42 High Frequency Measurements.

Course organization:
8 h lectures that partly deal with general measurement technology and partly some specific items concerning the laboratory part (5 experiments à 4 h)

Course content:
Principles of modern instruments for measuring voltage, current, frequency. Signal analysis, advanced oscilloscopes, measurement amplifiers, bridges, filtering, measurement data transmission and acquisition, GPIB-bus, measurement systems, sensors, calibration.

Course literature:
Compendium and material dealing with the experiments.

TEN1A written report on one of the experiments.
LAB15 compulsory experiments.
Course language is Swedish.