TFKE25 Biochemistry, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course provides basic knowledge in the following areas in biochemistry: Structure and function of proteins, enzymology, metabolism, structure and function of nucleic acids and molecular genetics. The laboratory course will give training in basic laboratory techniques and illustrate various theoretical aspects.

Course organization:
The theory is mainly presented on lectures. Theoretical and practical aspects are also treated on the laboratory course. Problems are solved and molecular models are studied on particular lessons. The results of the experimental work should be presented and discussed in reports.

Course content:
Theoretical part: Cell structure, structure and function of biomolecules. Proteins: Separations techniques, Primary-, secondary-, tertiary- and quartenary structure, protein folding, structure determination, protein engineering, modelling. Enzymes: catalysis, characterization of the active site, enzyme kinetics, modification (chemical, site-directed mutagenesis), enzyme mechanisms. Metabolism; Bioenergetics, energy metabolism, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, regulation. Molecular genetics: Nucleic acids, replication, transcription, translation, gene control, gene technology. Experimental part: Protein purification: Precipitation, Centrifugation, gel filtration, affinity chromatography, SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, enzyme kinetics, role of cofactors, electron transfer chain, gene technology.

Course literature:
Stryer, L.: Biochemistry Laboratory manual from the department

LAB 1 Laboratory course, 2p
TEN 1 The theoretical part has a written examination, 3p
Course language is Swedish.