TFFY69 Thin Film Physics, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course will give knowledge on mechanisms and processes for thin film fabrication as well as properties unique for thin films. An orientation of application of thin films will be given with examples from, e.g. semiconductor and engineering industries.

TFFY70 Materiefysik, inledande kurs (alternativt: TMKM04 Konstruktionsmaterial, grundkurs or TMKM 45 Konstruktionsmaterial I)

Course organization:
Teaching will be provided in the form of lectures, laborative exercises, and visit to industries.

Course content:
Vacuum technology, deposition techniques. Growth, structure, epitaxy, interdiffusion, and reaction of thin films. Mechanical, electrical, and optical properties and application that utalise these properties. New application, present "research frontier". In the course two laboration and a visits to a company that utilises thin film technology will be incorporated.

TEN1A written exmination.
LAB1Laborative exercises.
UPG1Visit to industry.
Course language is Swedish.