TFFY43 Analytical Mechanics, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

This course describes advanced methods for treating problems in mechanics. Analytical mechanics makes the structure of the mechanical theory transparent and is fundamental for a more deeper understanding of quantum mechanics. The analytical mechanics is an intelligent instrument when hard problems in mechanics are to be penetrated.

TFFY17 Modern Physics Y, TMME23 Engimeering Mechanics Y

Course organization:
The course contains seminars and solution of problems in connection with the seminars.

Course content:
The variational principles of mechanics, Lagranges equations, Hamilton's principle and the equations of motion in connection with this, theory of small oscillations, the analytical treatment of central force problems, canonical transformations and Hamilton-Jacobi theory, The Poisson parenthesis.

Course literature:
Goldstein, H.: Classical Mechanics (selected parts) Addison & Wesley, latest edition. Selected problems (in Swedish).

TEN1A written examination with questions in theory and solution of problems.
Course language is Swedish.