TFFY25 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanic s, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course should give a good understanding of the principles and concepts of classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The course will also give the familiarity with computations of thermodynamical quantities that is required in later courses in physics and in the engineering pracitse.

TATM 06 Calculus Y, TFFY17 Modern Physics Y

Course organization:
The course is presented on 30h of lectures and 18h of problem solving.

Course content:
Statistical mechanics: Ensembles, statistical definition of entropy. Boltzmannfactor and partition functions. The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, The Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions. Blackbody-radiation and other applications of statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics: Thermodynamical system and state functions. The ideal gas law and van der Waals equation. Irreversible and reversible processes. Thermodynamical potentials, enthalpy and free energy. Thermodynamics applied to simple systems.

Course literature:
Kittel and Kroemer: Thermal physics 2nd ed., Freeman.

TEN1A written examination
Course language is Swedish.