TDDI53 Operating Systems and System Programming, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

To give a deep understanding of the design and function of operating systems, and also give an introduction to operating and administering operating systems. The course shall also give practical experience from systemsprogramming.

TDDI 36 (TDIU 10) Programming in C and TDDI40 Datastructures and algorithms (or equivalent).

Course organization:
The theory is presented during lectures. Seminars prepare for the laboratory assignments. The laboratory assignments consists of programming excercises.

Course content:
Historic overview. Introduction and overview of existing operating systems. Implementation of processes. Process scheduling. File systems, secondary storage and system calls. Principles for memory management, virtual memory and memory protection. Input/output. Security and protection. Unix is used as a case study.

Course literature:
Silberschatz, A., Galvin,P.:"Operating System Concepts, 4th ed.", Addison-Wesley, 1994. Articles and laboratory material.

LAB 1Labratory work
TEN 1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.