TBME02 Anatomy and Physiology, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The course provides a basic knowledge of the different functions of the body as well as in their characteristic properties in health and disease. The course aims at giving sufficient knowledge about anatomy and physiology for further studies in the field of biomedical engineering. A major part of the course is tough by teachers with a solid background in the medical field.

Supplementary courses:
TBMT01 Biomedical Signal Processing TBMT02 Medical Imaging TBMT23 Physiological Pressures and Flows TBMT22 Intensive Care and Rehabilitation TBMT13 Technical Systems in Health Care TBMT40 Biomedical Transducers TBMI12 Medical Information Systems TBMI22 Classification and Decision Support TBMI30 Telemedicine

Course content:
Medical terminology. The cellular level of organisation. Organ systems of the body: bone-, skeletal- and muscle tissue, nervous system, special senses, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system. Laboratory experiment: measurement of nervous signal velocity (4h), modelling and simulation of parts of the cardiovascular system (4h).

Course literature:
Tortora G, Grabowski S. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Harper Collins College Publishers 1993.

LAB 1Labratory work
TEN 1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.