NMAB03 Programming with mathematical applications, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The aim is to provide an understanding of fundamental concepts of computer organization and usage, and further to learn a programming language that is suitable for problems in mathematics and engineering.

Basic knowledge of mathematics as taught in the first term of the mathematics program and NMAB13 Mathematical analysis II.

Course organization:
The course consists of lectures, lessons and computer exercises. Participation in the computer exercises is compulsory.

Course content:
Basic concepts in computer science. Data representation in computers. Fundamental parts of a computer. Fundamental principles of computer systems organization. The F programming language: Data types, simple expressions and assignment, simple input and output. Control constructs. Modules and procedures. Arrays. Character data. Structures and derived types. Programming methodology. Computer exercises.

Course literature:
W. Brainerd, C.Goldberg, J. Adams: Programmers's Guide to F. Unicomp, 1996. H. Lunell: Datalogi-begreppen och tekniken. Studentlitteratur, 1994. S.Truvé: Ett litet häfte om Emacs. Kompendium CTH, 1991. Exercises and examples of earlier written examinations.

LAB1Computer exercises
TEN1Written examination
Course language is Swedish.