NKEA17 Biochemistry 1, ECTS-points
/Biokemi 1/

Advancement level:

The course provides fundamental knowledge in the following areas: Structure and function of biomolecules. Metabolism in living cells. Molecular genetics. Separation and analytical techniques.

Courses corresponding to passed General Chemistry 1 and 2 (NKEA14 and NKEA15), Organic Chemistry 1 (NKEA16)

Supplementary courses:
NKEC52 Biochemistry 2

Course organization:
The theory is mainly presented on lectures. The laboratory course will give training in basic laboratory techniques and illustrate various theoretical aspects.

Course content:
Theoretical part: Structure and properties of amino acids and proteins. Enzymology. Catabolism and anabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. Experimental part: Thin-layer chromatography, gel filtration, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, photometry, enzyme kinetics, oxygen consumption.

Course literature:
Oskar Nylander: Biokemi med organisk kemi, Studentlitteratur, Lund Laboratory manual from the department.

TEN4Written examination 2p
LAB4Laboratory course 2p
Course language is Swedish.