NFYD72 Group Theory, 5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

After completed the course, the student should have a good understanding of basic group theory and be able to apply it on relevant physical systems. The course should also give a deeper understanding of well known notions as classical conservation laws and quantum mechanical selection rules.

Participation in NFYC58 Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Physics, NFYC56 Solid State Physics and NFYC51 Mathematical methods of physics 1.

Course organization:
The course is given in the form of lectures.

Course content:
Fundamentals of group theory; groups, classes, representations. Applications on quantum mechanical and classical problems; degeneration and selection rules, integrals of motion, modes of vibration and molecular vibrations, pointgroups and crystal fields.

Course literature:
Elliot and Dawber: Symmetry in physics vol 1.

TEN1Written examination 5p
Course language is Swedish.