NFYB44 Thermodynamics, 5 ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The aim of the course is to give the students a basic knowledge in classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, conceptions also used in Quantum Physics, Solid State Physics and Optoelectronics.

Attented NFYA31 Mechanics, NFYA32 Electromagnetic Fields and NFYA33 Electromagnetism and Waves.

Course organization:
Lessons, Physical seminars (see NFYA45) and laboratory lessons.

Course literature:
Beckman-Kjöllerström-Sundström: Grundläggande termodynamik för högskolestudier. Energilära. Almquist och Wiksell 1991. Off-prints and laboratory instructions.

LAB1Laboratory work 1p
TEN1Written examination 4p
Course language is Swedish.