NBIB02 Environmental Care and Management and Society, ECTS-points

Advancement level:

The students should aquire elementary knowledge about environmental politics, administration and law.

As a separate course, basic biology courses comprising at least 25 points passed at course start. At least 13 of the 25 points shall consist of theory.

Course organization:
The course consists of two parts: Environment and Society and Environmental Law. The theory is presented as lectures and literature. Laboratory work, visits at environmental organisations and authorities etc. and excursions are included and should be attended. Self dependent literature essays and seminar exercises are important and compulsory.

Course content:
Swedish environmetal politics: political parties, the Swedish "riksdag" (parliament), government and public authorities. The ideas in environmental politics. International cooperation in environmental management. Environmental Impact Assessments (Swedish: MKB). Activities considered hazardous to the environment; permissions and regulations. Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Municipial environmental activities: environmental programs, Agenda 21, sustainable resource utilization, recycling, waste treatment processing and waste utilization. Environmental law and the environmental act, the planning and building act, the public right to enter private land. An elementary introduction to the environmental laws of the European Union. Parts of the course, especially environmental impact assessment and permissions and regulations concerning activities considered environmentally hazardous, connects with NBICO4 Environmental Care and Management.

Course literature:
According to a literature list at the Department of Biology.

Course language is Swedish.